Spelling Bee
On January 22nd, we had a spelling bee for 4th-6th grade. In the competition there were 12 kids participating, Emma, Zoiee, Lela, Draven, Grayson, Thomas, London, Harley, Layla, Canyon, Kaydence, Shaila. The winner of the spelling . . . read more
Foreign Language Elective
This year Middle School students who don’t have any missing work have the option to attend the Foreign Lauguage Elective. Mrs. Lee is the Teacher who teaches Foreign Lauguage every Thursday after lunch. The students will be . . . read more
Hunter Safety Course To Be Offered
Missouri Department of Conservation Hunter Education Skills Class Date: Saturday, September 23rd, 2023 Time: 8:00 am to 12:00 Noon Location: Avilla R-13 Schools Safe . . . read more
Avilla Teacher's Google Site Links
The follow the links below to access the Avilla Teacher's Google Sites! Mrs. Bayless https://sites.google.com/avillapanthers.org/avillakindergarten2020-2021/home Mrs. Caulk . . . read more